

A version of the English dictionary defines pride in its good sense as a sense of one’s own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one; self-respect; noble self-esteem; elevation of character; dignified bearing and proud delight. This kind of pride does not constitute sin as it only connotes self-respect.
In its bad sense however, pride is defined as a state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one’s own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc., which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve and often contempt of others.
A proud look is stated as one of those things that God hates in Prov 6:16-17a.
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look….
 James 4:6: But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.
These among other numerous passages highlight how much God despises pride.
People easily dissociate themselves from the word ‘pride’ as it sounds disapproving but in the real sense it manifests in many people one way or another. Some confuse being proud for healthy self-esteem but they are quite different in manifestations. A married man on his annual leave for instance, stays idle all day and expects the wife who just had a hectic day at work to come in and do all house chores as well as prepare his meal; without him even offering a helping hand. Reason being that, he is a man and is not supposed to be involved in any chore. Such a man regards such attitude as the pride of being a man, which is actually not. It is being proud.


Certain attributes serve as indicators of the presence of pride in an individual; some of which include the following:


The unreasonable determination not to adjust to others’ opinion; the self-righteous feeling; believing your decisions are always right; it all amounts to pride. When you discover someone has a better idea but you insist on doing what you want at your own time, pride is at work.

Inability To Admit Wrongdoings Or Accept Correction:

Sometimes we do wrong things (which is normal, since all humans are prone to make errors), but we fail to admit even when we are made to realize them. Sometimes, one realizes what he has done and finds it difficult to apologize; instead he becomes defensive. Pride will make a person continue doing the same thing he is being corrected for.


This goes along with the inability to admit mistakes. Such a person refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Instead, he comes up with unnecessary comparisons and tends to shift blames on the accuser(s) or circumstances.

Mindless Argument:

Even when the truth is inevitable, the proud man does not want to give up arguing except his idea is accepted. At most, he twists his point to make it look like it has been in line with the truth all along.

Inordinate Desire for Attention:

A proud person wants to be heard all the time. Even leaders need to listen to someone else. You don’t have to do the talking all the time; you don’t have to be the one to pass the instruction that is binding all the time. Your advice must not necessarily be taken all the time. As much as you correct others, you have to be corrected. As a matter of fact, if you are not corrected at any point in time, there is a problem. You cannot afford to be a stereotyped leader; always fixing the rules, subject to no questioning. The desire to always announce your achievements or titles, trying to always place yourself above others, making yourself look wiser than others, trying to make impression that things cannot go right in your absence, self-appraisal and always wanting to be acknowledged and respected by others all have the undertone of pride.
Don’t forget to read my next post, I shall give a few tips on overcoming pride. Marinate on this till then. You can find the Priceless Journal on facebook and tweeter. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates on latest posts. God bless you.


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